Above graphic borrowed from The Buckhorn Saloon website Our friend, fellow business owner and active community member, Curtis Kirk, passed away 2 weeks ago on August 1st. His life and business partner of 25 years, Alice, is a strong and capable woman and she is holding up well as far as we have heard, but I am sure she could use, and would greatly appreciate the support of our small town community at this difficult time in her life.
Alice & Curtis in happier times ~photo adapted from the Buckhorn Saloon websiteCurtis’s heart was bigger than the sky, and we will miss being welcomed at the Buckhorn by the tall lanky man with the cowboy hat. Always a smile on his face. Curtis was a generous and caring citizen of our little town of North Fork. We will miss him. He will always be a part of North Fork and the Buckhorn.
Our hearts are with you Alice. Your community is here for you.
Alice is holding a memorial potluck for Curtis on Saturday August 23rd starting at Noon. For more information about this or The Buckhorn Saloon in general, please visit
The Buckhorn Saloon Website.© Copyright 2008 North Fork News